Delnor poss
High School-Delano, (Calif.) High School football
Water Valley High School basketball
San Angelo Central High School basketball, two-year letterman, all-District, all-West Texas basketball team, single game scoring record (25), track, two-year letterman
Hardin-Simmons University: All Border Conference First Team guard; 200-, 300-, 400-, 900-point scoring club; single game scoring record, 34 points; four-year track letterman; three-year starter in basketball.
Menard High School 1960 Yellow Jacket Yearbook: Dedicated to Delnor Poss and Gerald Centilli.
Halls of Fame: Hardin-Simmons University athletics; Midland College athletics; NJCAA golf; San Angelo Central athletics; Western Junior College Conference athletics; Golf Coaches of America.
Midland College Golf Achievements:
PING Inc. NJCAA National Golf Coach of the Year: 2016
NJCAA National Champions: 1992, 1995, 2006, 2008
NJCAA National Second Place: 1991, 1994, 2000, 2007
NJCAA National Third Place: 1990, 1993, 1996, 2004, 2009, 2016
NJCAA National Fourth Place : 1997. 1999, 2003, 2011
NJCAA National Top Six Finishes: 22
NJCAA Top Fifteen Finishes: 26
NJCAA Athletic Director Achievement Award: 1984
NJCAA National Golf Coach of the Year: 1992, 1995, 2006, 2008
World University Games Golf Champions Coach: 1996
Midland Community Service Award: 1996
• NJCAA National Golf Coach of the Year Award renamed to the “Delnor Poss Coach of the Year Award” in 2018
• President, Southwest Basketball Officials Association of Texas, four years (1972-1976)
• NJCAA National Basketball game Official: 1976
• Texas University Interscholastic State Basketball Tournament game official four times
• Board of Trustees, Big Spring ISD, 12 years
• Board of Directors: First Christian churches of Big Spring and Ruidoso, N.M.; Memorial Christian
Church of Midland: Big Spring Chamber of Commerce
• Coached the Parkhill Elementary Panthers to three undefeated Gray-Y Football City (four overall)
Championships and four City Basketball Championships
• Coached Little League Baseball Yankees to two League Championships
The Midland College ex-players have been astounding with 30 on some type of professional tour around the world! Highlights of this group’s participating accomplishments are as follows: The Masters (3), USPGA Championship (6), U.S. Open (5), British Open (8) and The Ryder Cup (2)! We have also had 2 exes coach the European Palmer Cup Team. We have had players in the Presidents Cup, the Dunhill Cup, the Eisenhower Cup, Walker Cup and the Palmer Cup!